Read more about the article A Novel BaEVRless-Pseudotyped γ-Globin Lentiviral Vector Drives High and Stable Fetal Hemoglobin Expression and Improves Thalassemic Erythropoiesis .
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

A Novel BaEVRless-Pseudotyped γ-Globin Lentiviral Vector Drives High and Stable Fetal Hemoglobin Expression and Improves Thalassemic Erythropoiesis .

Abstract It has previously been demonstrated that the self-inactivating γ-globin lentiviral vector GGHI can significantly increase fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in erythroid cells from thalassemia patients and thus improve the disease…

Continue ReadingA Novel BaEVRless-Pseudotyped γ-Globin Lentiviral Vector Drives High and Stable Fetal Hemoglobin Expression and Improves Thalassemic Erythropoiesis .
Read more about the article Expert consensus guidelines for the genetic diagnosis of Alport syndrome.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

Expert consensus guidelines for the genetic diagnosis of Alport syndrome.

Abstract Recent expert guidelines recommend genetic testing for the diagnosis of Alport syndrome. Here, we describe current best practice and likely future developments. In individuals with suspected Alport syndrome, all…

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Read more about the article Ageing Throughout History: The Evolution of Human Lifespan.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

Ageing Throughout History: The Evolution of Human Lifespan.

Abstract It is not surprising that one of the most complex phenomena in nature is that of ageing. It does not only bear biological interest, but it is also associated…

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Read more about the article Exome-Derived Adiponectin-Associated Variants Implicate Obesity and Lipid Biology.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

Exome-Derived Adiponectin-Associated Variants Implicate Obesity and Lipid Biology.

Abstract Circulating levels of adiponectin, an adipocyte-secreted protein associated with cardiovascular and metabolic risk, are highly heritable. To gain insights into the biology that regulates adiponectin levels, we performed an…

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Read more about the article Complete sequence analysis of human toll-like receptor 3 gene in natural killer cells of multiple sclerosis patients.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

Complete sequence analysis of human toll-like receptor 3 gene in natural killer cells of multiple sclerosis patients.

Abstract Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) where both environmental and genetic risk factors play a role. Among the environmental risk factors,…

Continue ReadingComplete sequence analysis of human toll-like receptor 3 gene in natural killer cells of multiple sclerosis patients.
Read more about the article TNFRSF11A-associated dysosteosclerosis: a report of the second case and characterization of the phenotypic spectrum.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

TNFRSF11A-associated dysosteosclerosis: a report of the second case and characterization of the phenotypic spectrum.

Abstract Dysosteosclerosis (DOS) is a distinct form of sclerosing bone disease characterized by irregular osteosclerosis and platyspondyly. DOS is genetically heterogeneous; however, only five cases with SLC29A3 mutations and a…

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Read more about the article The impact of obesity and insulin resistance on thyroid cancer: A systematic review.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

The impact of obesity and insulin resistance on thyroid cancer: A systematic review.

Abstract In recent decades, there has been a marked increase in the prevalence of thyroid cancer. This phenomenon has paralleled the increase in the prevalence of obesity worldwide, which is…

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Read more about the article The role of C9orf72 in neurodegenerative disorders: a systematic review, an updated meta-analysis, and the creation of an online database.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

The role of C9orf72 in neurodegenerative disorders: a systematic review, an updated meta-analysis, and the creation of an online database.

Abstract A pathologic expansion of a noncoding GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat of the C9orf72 gene has been strongly associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) cases predominantly…

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Read more about the article A novel mutation in the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 is likely responsible for ameliorating β-thalassemia major.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

A novel mutation in the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 is likely responsible for ameliorating β-thalassemia major.

Abstract We describe the identification of a novel missense mutation in the second zinc finger of KLF1 in two siblings who, based on their genotype, are predicted to suffer from…

Continue ReadingA novel mutation in the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 is likely responsible for ameliorating β-thalassemia major.
Read more about the article An investigation of polymorphisms in innate and adaptive immune response genes in canine leishmaniosis.
A rolled newspaper - the left side facing forward. The name of the newspaper is "News" and the words "News" and "Events" are below that. The rubber band keeping the newspaper rolled together is thick and white. There is smaller writing on the newspaper which cannot be read.

An investigation of polymorphisms in innate and adaptive immune response genes in canine leishmaniosis.

Abstract The outcome of infection with Leishmania infantum in dogs is variable, which is thought to be due to the nature of the immune response mounted by the host. As…

Continue ReadingAn investigation of polymorphisms in innate and adaptive immune response genes in canine leishmaniosis.